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【现货 Ready Stock】紫黄晶六芒星吊坠 Ametrine Star of David Pendant

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紫黄晶,水晶中的一种,因为其同时呈现至少紫、黄两种颜色而得名,宝石级的天然紫黄晶珍贵而稀有,完全不同于人造、仿冒等种类的紫黄晶。 紫黄晶的紫色代表智慧,黄色代表财富,同时拥有紫黄双色的水晶被认为能带来过人的智慧与财富。由于紫黄晶的生长环境十分特殊,产量也十分有限,所以在西方传说中,佩戴紫黄晶的人是被紫黄晶选中的人,是能成为驾驭自己命运的人,又因其特有的传说被西方誉为“爱情守护石”。那么紫黄晶有哪些功效与作用呢?


  1、天然紫黄晶兼具紫晶、黄晶的特点,并将智能与财富完美融合,是爱情、事业、家庭中平衡强势弱势的功能性宝石 。







Ametrine Meaning & Uses

There are many meanings that we can associate with the Ametrine gemstones. These include inner strength and harmony; the stone’s ability to help us deal with emotional instability and stress; as well as its Yin and Yang energies, bringing balance to the mind of those who wear this gemstone. It should also go without mentioning that Ametrine inspires creativity and vitality. 

When it comes to the uses of the ametrine gemstone, if you want to get the benefits of two stones in one, then the Ametrine gemstone is for you. As we mentioned, the stone is a mixture of Citrine and Amethyst!

Aside from the economies of scale that this stone offers, there are other reasons you may want to use an Ametrine. Namely, this stone does a better job of providing the wearer with physical and psychic benefits than any other. 

Ametrine Healing Properties

The ametrine gemstone offers a multitude of benefits to all aspects of the body, including for:

  • Physical Healing

  • Emotional Healing

  • Chakra Healing and Balancing

Below, we dive into detail for each of the specific ametrine healing properties. 

Physical Healing

Ametrine can easily remove toxins and waste substances from the body, and also helps rid us of long-standing illnesses. Additionally, the gemstone strengthens the immune system and aids us in recovering from infections. The ametrine gemstone also remedies chronic fatigue, as well as skin irritation, allergies, as well as menstrual and menopausal symptoms. The ametrine gemstone is also used to treat arthritis and hearing issues. 

Emotional Healing

The ametrine gemstone helps you maintain emotional self-control, helping you evaluate and work through emotional situations in an optimistic manner. Some key areas where ametrine helps in this regard include overcoming contradictions, as well as staying true to yourself and not being easily swayed by other people. 

Chakra Healing and Balancing

Being a combination of two potent crystals, Ametrine can stimulate several chakras at once. Thanks to its purple amethyst energies, the ametrine gemstone can bring balance to and cleanse your crown chakra. Meanwhile, the yellow citrine energies of the ametrine gemstone help to open, energize and activate your solar plexus chakra.

Other Ametrine Gemstone Benefits

Financial Wealth

Sometimes referred to as the merchant’s stone, ametrine helps with improving your financial state. Not only does it help increase both your own wealth, but it helps ensure that you remain generous by inspiring you to help those who are in need. So, if you wish for your financial desires to become a reality, then place an ametrine gemstone in your purse or wallet.

Love & Relationships

One of the greatest benefits of this gemstone is its ability to improve your love life with your partner. This is thanks to both the amethyst and citrine gemstones naturally mingling together in one stone. The ametrine gemstone helps you and your significant other overcome your differences, helping you come together harmoniously in order to keep your wonderful relationship going.


As a highly protective crystal, the ametrine gemstone shields you from negative energies, including ill-wishing, psychic attacks, and paranormal harm - this is thanks to its purple energies. The ametrine’s yellow energies, on the other hand, will protect you against negative emotions, inspiring only positivity.