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【现货 Ready Stock】8mm 草莓晶手串 Strawberry Quartz Bracelet

Regular price
RM 38.00
Sale price
RM 38.00
Regular price
RM 68.00
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粉水晶主开发心轮,加强心肺功能的健康。可松弛紧张情绪,舒缓烦躁心情,协助深入内心,发现自我提高悟性。 粉水晶散发着温和而吸引人的粉红色光芒,可协助改善人际关系,增进人缘、生意缘,是开门做生意的最佳利器。 粉水晶可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉色是爱神维纳斯显示爱的颜色,可增异性缘,招桃花运,是最佳的爱情之石。

It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouring unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief.